
The Text-Critical English New Testament

The Text-Critical English New Testament (TCENT) documents translatable differences found in eleven editions of the Greek New Testament as well as the main manuscript families in the Pericope Adulterae and the book of Revelation. Manuscript percentages are listed for variants that have been fully collated. The English translation is the Byzantine Text Version, which follows an “optimal equivalence” philosophy of translation, employing a literary style that is reminiscent of the Tyndale-King James legacy while flowing smoothly and naturally in modern English. It is translated from the Byzantine Greek text edited by Robinson and Pierpont. An alternate edition is available that limits text-critical footnotes to variants where the Byzantine text is divided.


The Text-Critical Greek New Testament

The Text-Critical Greek New Testament (TCGNT) is the companion volume to The Text-Critical English New Testament. It documents differences found in eleven editions of the Greek New Testament as well as the main manuscript families in the Pericope Adulterae and the book of Revelation. Manuscript percentages are listed for variants that have been fully collated. This text is also available in a beautifully formatted text-only edition.


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